Everyone step aside, the Asians are coming to take pop music. Not only that they are UK ASIANS. A British takeover of pop music. In seriousness, I heard a lot of hype a while back from her debut single "Mirror Talk". The finished EP didn't sound so bad, so I kept an eye out for her. I think her first EP is a bit overproduced. Her vocals don't really stand out but I saw potential in the lyricism and melodies. I wanted to see where she went.
Well this EP shows her absolute shining potential. She cleaned up the production and the melodies match the way she is singing properly this time. Each song seamlessly flows and it is worthy of being mentioned today for the notable new release.
It starts with "Black Hole", a song of broken heartache. She acknowledges the somewhat "melodramatic" lyrics but that is the authenticity of heartache, and the song is about getting through it. The melody is the smooth kind of pop I enjoy, with some bouts of added dramatics in the music itself which I find very catching.
"One Foot in Front the Other" carries on the brokenness of "Black Hole" but more about escaping the hole and how strange it feels to get back to every day things after experiencing a difficult time. I really appreciate the lyricism of this track. If you have ever struggled with mental illness, this song can feel like a hug of understanding.
Next track "Shade of Yellow" uses a vocoder on her voice throughout the song, giving it an upbeat Imogen Heap vibe. The song, referring to finding solace in places besides home due to a chaotic childhood, I think is okay. I see what she was trying to do with it but I don't think the execution worked perfectly.
"Heart of Gold" takes some of the production effects of "Shade of Yellow" but does it better. This song refers to after so many breaks, it is hard to allow yourself to feel anything for someone else again. It is a song that really captures the hurt of it, along with the self-deprecation you feel about struggling with it.
"Remembering my Dreams" is a nice tune, speaking of how anxieties tend to come back and creep up on you despite feeling good for a time. The song isn't as catching or memorable as the others but if the entire album is playing I wouldn't skip it.
"Earl Grey Tea" is a very beautiful ballad about people's priorities. They are so obsessed with money or health that they forget to enjoy and love the things in front of them. Before long, they're dying lonely and wondering why, but it is because they didn't take the time to change the priorities to notice.
The album closes with a cute love song in the form of "Walk". She did not want to leave on a downer and I think it fits the content. Getting through the struggles to find optimism and light. It also sounds 80s inspired which is cool.
Lyricism: 8/10 - I really like the way she writes her lyrics. I enjoyed it from her first EP as well but I did not enjoy it musically as much.
Music: 7/10 - At times the music took away from the song, but overall was still good.
Overall: 8/10 - I recommend you check her out if you enjoy a bit of pop music!
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