Today is not just another day. I think some people hear so much awful and death in the news we become desensitized to acts of violence and horror. Our video games and movies show the most gorey graphic deaths possible now with realness unseen. Yet, nothing compares to the horror of comprehending true suffering and death of the human.
This is not about politics, or your political party right now. 13 Marines are dead. 60+ Afghans are dead. Many of these innocent people in the crossfires of neverending war of who is right or wrong.
I cannot go on with my day, my reviews, anything without saying something. Innocent lives were lost and sadly with the circumstances it is likely many more will be.
Please, keep the troops and Afghanistan in your prayers. Many of these people in the crossfires are innocent and did not deserve the horrors now or in the future to be inflicted.
If we ignore or forget history, we are doomed to repeat it.
Never forget these times.
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