To catch my vibe here, my immediate response to this being a new release was "god why". To say I dislike Machine Gun Kelly is a radical understatement. I despise what his brand has done to a genre I actually used to like. Eminem should have roasted him harder...
The album begins with "Born with Horns", which sounds like some bad mix of his old rapper day and the pop/punk tumblr post lyricism he is known for now. He is really setting the mood that I will feel like this like I did the last album...not well.
"god save me" honestly wants to be a good song. He doesn't know how to do it right. Secondarily, there's good lyricism mixed with absolute garbage for content. God is gonna need to save me from this music...
The thing that saves "Maybe" is the fact a band who actually knows how to do what is doing is involved. I really thought Bring Me to the Horizon was better than that. But at least they made this song "good".
Oh for god sakes we're back to Lil Wayne? "Drug Dealer" sounds like it is trying to be that one song on the know my ex and that makes it all complicated... I never want to hear Lil Wayne do this again.
Random annoying interlude of no meaning!
Yes, dude. You actually are a poser. But for some reason in your frustration, you created a pop/punk song that actually captures the actual essence. "Mainstream Sellout" is a real pop/punk song.
...and we switch to whatever the hell "Makeup Sex" is? I thought there was potential for a minute!
And then there's "Emo girl" which is just so try hard it is painful.
For those who do not know what a 5150 is, besides a probably better album by Van Halen, it references a law in which someone can be institutionalized for 72 hours for a psychiatric evaluation in cases of being a danger to the self. It is not exactly fun, edgy, or cool. So hearing Machine Gun Kelly turn this term into a dysfunctional song about losing romance is uh. You know I'll just leave it at that.
Upon getting back to Papercuts, I remember why MGK is in fact a poser.
"WW4" is just a disaster. No melody, lyrics are crap, obvious wannabe My Chemical Romance...
It is 2022 where we have freed Britney and this douchebag really brought up her mental breakdown of shaving her head in a song about being...high as hell? Oh my god I am done with this album, Lil Wayne came back.
"Fake Love Don't Last" is definitely hoping to be another radio single. It doesn't have any longevity to it.
Oh my god. Of all the rap for him to return to, MUMBLE EMO RAP? I quit. I am done. Why am I still here.
"Sid & Nancy" is more tolerable than half the album. I will give it that. It still isn't great.
"Twin Flame" closes the album. And I think I never want to hear him do an actual ballad again. But at least the lyrics are actually...okay.
Lyrics: 4/10 - Sometimes he shows potential...
Music: 3/10 - You're still a poser...
Overall: 3/10 - Don't waste your time. Just don't.
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