If you don't know this Canadian electropop prowess, you should know her now. Given, I don't think I exactly fell in love with the same iconic Lights songs other people did. "Cactus in the Valley" or "Fight Club" catch me a bit more than the album that got her the most success with the single "Speeding". Nevertheless, I was excited to finally hear her follow up Skin&Earth, a majorly enjoyable album still.
"Beside Myself" takes me back to her more "Siberia" sound and it draws me in, although personally this track itself does not quite stand out to me.
"In My Head" lyrically matches so well with having Josh Dun of Twenty One Pilots on the track. The song is a great catchy track.
"Prodigal Daughter" has a nice catchy beat. I think lyrically it could be stronger but, if you like a solid pop track this is good.
I really do not like "Salt and Vinegar". Just does not work. The beats don't align with what she's trying to do. She doesn't do that melody well.
"Money in the Bag" is making me think Lights chose a direction I do not like...
"Jaws" is a step back in the right direction. I don't really like the hook for this. Not sure what she was trying to go for with this one.
"Rent" is actually a solid track again. Good pop music. The lyrics are sassy enough to get you going.
"Sparky" isn't bad. It kind of sounds like an outtake to Skin&Earth...sometimes B-sides should be left in the pool of ideas.
"Real Thing" sounds a bit filler track. Very forgettable.
"Easy Money" is okay. Nothing on this album so far is grabbing me the same profound way Skin&Earth did. I am definitely feeling some disappointment.
"Okay Okay" has an okay verse structure, but I don't like the hook as much.
"Voices Carry" was trying to be important and meaningful but it comes off more surface level teenager trying to be deep.
"Grip" is actually a solid closer. Sounds like a good Lights song...
Lyrics: 4/10 - I am deeply disappointed in the dip of content lyrically from this compared to Skin&Earth. The last album made you feel empowered and raw while being catchy and fun. This is just...not it. I will be gentle here. It is not it.
Music: 3/10 - It sounds like a poor imitation of current pop and electronic pop trends.
Overall: 3/10 - Please do better. I have heard so much better from Lights. Solid miss.
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