It is officially EP central this week, with another EP review for Sophie Powers. Attempting to know more about her, my first critique for her interest is to please change the font of her website. I can barely read it, and I have eyeglasses. Something of her being born in Toronto before moving to Florida and ending up in California and wanting to express herself ernestly. That's the parts I muddled through.
I am not gonna pretend I am not into it so far. It takes electropop elements mixed into the pop/punk revival and makes it sound unique in places. "Clearview" is solid but I wish the male vocalist wasn't included. I don't think he fit the song well.
Okay so I will properly admit the lyricism of these bodies is not the body of excellency, but someone in this revival finally so well captured the sound I am kind of ignoring it. It isn't the WORST tumblr blog angst I ever listened to. "Life Goes On" actually replicates some of the scene well.
Noooo you changed the whole sonic vibe with "Breakup on the Weekend"! Not into this track.
"See Me" I think would be better with less electronics. Her voice is overedited.
"U Love It" kind of sounds like she is trying to emulate Jazmin Bean a little, and I am not interested in her version.
The EP has fallen more into the electropop side of things now. "Greed" is weirdly produced quieter than the rest of the EP and it comes off like maybe a mixing error?
I appreciate seeing how involved Kellin Quinn has been in helping the punk/emo scene return. He is almost featured as much as Travis Barker these days. "1 Thing" is a lot stronger of a track. I think she should keep the ideas from Clearview and this track more for a solid debut.
Lyrics: 6/10 - They're not bad, but they're nothing fantastic either.
Music: 5/10 - Half of the album appeals to me, the other half needs some work.
Overall: 6/10 - I don't think it is a bad showing. It is worth seeing what she can do.
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