Part of the expansion of people of color in the punk scene of modern times, Magnolia Park have been getting more and more attention. My intrigue gathered and I decided to give their new jam session a listen.
The album begins with "?" which is more like an angry spoken intro about their detractors.
"Feel Something" isn't bad. Definitely a great pop/punk vibe. The issue is 20 other pop/punk songs have this same beat with lyricism that reminds me less of Disney channel.
Okay "Misfits" is more like it. This track has better lyricism and good rhythm. My basic pop/punk teenager is happy with this.
"Radio Reject" is everything Machine Gun Kelly thinks he is doing but actually the correct version.
"!!" is a weird interlude.
"Drugs" feels a little clunky in concept but he is making a point, I get it.
"Paralyzed" feels like the theme song of every emo kid that did not grow up. I am frankly okay with that.
Ah we're pulling a Weezer with random celebrity name calls for comparison? I'm okay with it, they're more appealing so far to me. "Addison Rae" is a pretty good cutesy crush song actually.
"Ghost 2 U" really shows me they are wearing all their inspirations on their sleeve. But honestly, that's a positive. When even Blink-182 forgot what solid pop/punk sounds like, it is a breath of fresh air.
"$$$" is another random interlude!
The album closes with "I Should Have Listened to My Friends", which is a little clunky lyrically.
MUSIC: 9/10 - I am is the pop/punk I like. I feel the interludes were a little disruptive more than helpful.
LYRICS: 6/10 - I wish some of them were stronger and less clunky. I honestly kind of wish there was more songs in general as well. The album is very short. It comes in at a little under 24 minutes.
OVERALL: 8/10 - If you want some generic good old fashioned pop/punk of the mid-2000s when all the emo kids still cared, you should absolutely hit this up. A solid debut from them. I hope for more from the next release because my main complaint is feeling a bit deprived by the shortness of the release.
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